Organizations define specific review "types," and schedule review" events "on a regular basis, both for initiatives and for whole portfolios. 组织为计划和整个项目组合规定具体的审查“类型”,并根据常规基础安排审查“事件”。
Drag onto a Block, Divided, or Ruler Timeline to indicate and describe a specific interval in your schedule. 拖到块形时间线、分隔时间线、标尺时间线上以指示和说明日程中的特定间隔。
Paragraph 1 shall not apply to any specific commitment on basic telecommunications which is inscribed in a Member's Schedule. 第1款不得适用于已列入一成员减让表的任何关于基础电信服务的具体承诺。
A conditioned signal or cue that is initially paired with, then has the property of eliciting, a specific behavior through a reinforcement schedule. 透过强化计划,一个(条件化的)线索或信号能引发一特定的动作。
You can identify a specific schedule by its descriptive name. 您可以用描述性名称标识特定计划。
Drag onto a Cylindrical Timeline to indicate and describe a specific interval in your schedule. 拖到圆柱形时间线上以指示和说明日程中的特定间隔。
As for the countries it will stop over and its specific schedule, I suggest you refer your questions to the relevant shipping company. 至于它回程途经哪些国家以及航期安排,建议你向船舶公司询问。
An interest-bearing government or corporate security that obligates the issuer to make specified payments on a specific schedule to the bondholder. 政府或公司发行的计息证券,要求发行人按照一定的日期向债券持有人支付一定金额。
Analytic Formula of Zero-coupon Callable Convertible Bonds with Hard Call Period An interest-bearing government or corporate security that obligates the issuer to make specified payments on a specific schedule to the bondholder. 有锁定期的零息可赎回可转换债券定价解析式债券政府或公司发行的计息证券,要求发行人按照一定的日期向债券持有人支付一定金额。
In most enterprises, you often need to create critical workbooks at a specific point in time, often on a regular schedule. 在大多数企业中,您通常需要在特定的时间点创建关键工作簿,并且此操作通常是定期执行的。
This policy and the schedule shall be read together as one contract and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this policy or of the schedule shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. 本保险单及承保表内之记载应视为同一契约,不论单内或表内的任何部份之字句或措辞,其显示有特定之含义者,则均应以该项特定含义为准。
This chapter focuses on the specific decisions and actions that may minimize development risk and schedule. 本章着重介绍开发过程中可以最小化开发风险和缩短开发时间的各项具体决策和操作。
Enables users to the specific needs reflected in the regular alarm clock, Day reminded schedule, memos and contacts. 能使用户的需求具体体现在定时闹钟、纪念日、日程安排提醒,备忘录、通讯录。
Calculation and Analysis of Specific Energy of EV Based on Running Schedule 基于行驶工况的电动车比能耗计算与分析
Schedule playlists by minutes, by specific day ( s), by week or schedule an one-time event. 可按时间、特定日期、星期安排周期性播放时程,也可设定播放一次的时程。
Contractor shall provide and install all weather protection devices such as tents and shelters over specific work areas, in order to maintain installation schedule during improper weather conditions. 承包商应提供并安装所有防风雨设备,比如在特定工作区设置帐篷及避护所,以便在恶劣的天气条件下对安装计划表加以维护。
Specific measure is: The annuities of afore-mentioned personnel, decrease 1 year ahead of schedule by every send 2% ( do not contain individual account old-age pension). 具体办法是:上述人员的养老金,按每提前1年减发2%(不含个人帐户养老金)。
Thirdly, the paper researches the making process of control, analyzes the contend and specific operation of schedule control, analyzes the contend and ordinary mode of cost control and change control, gives the outline of the mode of control in software development project management. 在此基础上,论文分析了软件开发项目进度控制、成本控制、变更控制的具体操作过程和方法,总结性地提出了软件开发项目控制的一般模式。
Under the environment of simulation software Arena and statistics software Excel 2000, an integrated software system is developed for schedule/ cost risk analysis, expenses analysis and optimizing proportionally a specific random network schedule. Arena仿真软件环境和Excel2000统计软件环境下,设计开发了一个针对特定随机型活动网络计划的进度/费用风险分析以及费用分析、均衡优化的集成化软件系统。
The overall structure, order process of the system and the specific algorithms of schedule and order inserting in the system had also been discussed. 详细介绍了该系统的整体架构、订单处理流程和排产与插单算法。
Still, there are no image processing system for general measurement purpose. Usually, people choose specific experiment schedule to different situation. 尽管如此,目前仍然没有通用的图像处理系统,针对具体情况,要选择具体的实验方案。
Along with the communication technology continues to progress, not only the emergence of new media, but also each specific program schedule settings, competition is increasingly fierce. 随着传播技术的不断进步,大到新媒体的出现,小到每个具体的节目编排设置,竞争越来越激烈。
The specific duty in Schedule of Specific Commitments is priority over the general duty of Market Access. 具体承诺表规定的市场准入义务优先于GATS第十六条的一般义务。
The specific implementation third level schedule is the process of refining the light of experience to the daily work per week. 三级进度计划是具体的实施过程,按照经验细化到每周的日常工作中。
Finally, section XX of the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway project organization structure, construction of the overall deployment of specific analysis of the section three project management index system& schedule management, security management and project quality management and other aspects of the results. 最后介绍兰新铁路XX标段的项目组织结构、总体施工部署具体分析该标段的三大项目管理指标体系&进度管理、安全管理和工程质量管理等方面所取得的成果。
It mainly presents the overall thought and specific design, and describes the research objects, research methods, research process and schedule in detail. 主要给出了研究的总体思路与具体设计,并就研究对象、研究方法、研究过程及时间安排给出了具体描述。
In the specific implementation of schedule management application to progress for the project management tools and methodologies, to ensure progress management process design, control and implementation. 在进度管理的具体实施当中要运用适合本项目的进度管理工具和方法,才能保证进度管理过程的控制和执行。
In the specific implementation of the project schedule risk analysis and assessment, as far as possible the risk nipped in the bud, the negative impact to a minimum, ensure timely completion of the project according to plan time. 在具体实施中对项目的进度风险进行了分析和评估,尽可能把风险消灭在萌芽状态,把带来的负面影响降到最低程度,确保项目按照计划时间按时完成。
Last but not least, the article discusses in detail about the design and implementation of specific functional model of the mailbox, laying stress on schedule function, mailbox management function and so on. 最后,文章详细论述了企业邮箱特定功能模型的设计与实现,并着重介绍了日程功能,管理用户邮箱等五个功能模型。
Forth, with the specific examples, through making schedule plan by critical chain management and traditional schedule methods, making Monte Carlo simulation, and by contrast analysis, show the advantage of critical chain management. 以工程实例,分别采用关键链法和传统网络计划技术编制进度计划,并进行蒙特卡洛仿真,通过对比分析,显示关键链管理在进度管理中的优点。